Saturday, July 5, 2008

Marketing Seminar

Today this morning I spent on marketing seminar held by one of Indonesian top Internet Marketing, the gentleman name is Mr. Deny Hendrawan, having experience in Marketing Offline industry for 15 years, and 4 years experience in Online business.

What I like about this seminar, the way he describe the module marketing is very simple and effective and quick action attitude.

I study IM by myself for the past 4 months, and believe me being self maid is very difficult and not having the right teacher to guide a step by step mentoring and detail would end up in a futility.

As he explain that he also have 5 gurus, 3 from overseas and 2 from Indonesia, and very costly indeed to achieve the maximum results.

Mr Deny is specialize in semi online if I would say, in the meanings he has a real product to promote and advertise, his focusing in property .

He develop websites on his owns until top of page Google search engine, what I like about his techniques in SEO is, he doesn't write article or put posting on forums or mailing list as overwhelmed like many marketing people that I know.

He uses his own online experience in SEO to get where he would be on top of Google Search Engine.

Come to think about it, his right why should spend many hours in front of your computer to gain traffic and lost precious times with your families.

His teachings and motivation to participants is inspiring for quick result programme but not a quick rich scheme which I am not impressed if he said so in his seminar.
And, what's The Secret? Have a look in this video below for your review.
Posted in YouTube by dboazz

After round up, I ask my sister to join his class next week to learn as much for.

OK folks


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